Why We Made inShield Wiper
We’re Tim and Ramona Probasco, the inventor and founders of inShield Wiper. We are a family owned company that is committed to providing environmentally kind and innovative products that make cleaning a comfortable, easy and enjoyable experience. We don’t think that cleaning should have to be a “chore.” We want it to be a fun experience. That’s why Tim invented inShield Wiper.

A while back Tim was trying to clean the inside of our car windshield but became frustrated with how difficult it was to get it clean. Because of the slant of the windshield, he had to contort his body to try and find a way to effectively clean it! Then he tried to place the microfiber cloth on the back of his hand, but this produced streaking because his knuckles pushed the microfiber against the glass, but the rest of the microfiber wasn’t hitting the glass.
Knowing that our hands are our best cleaning tools, Tim decided to run down to the store and buy a glass cleaning device that fit on the BACK of his hand since that was the easiest way to clean the inside of the windshield. But look as he may, such a thing did not exist. He figured if it was a frustration for him, it was probably a frustration for many other people, too. Soooo…he decided to invent it! The ultimate outcome of that decision is the product you see today, inShield Wiper®!
Although Tim originally invented inShield Wiper® to clean the INSIDE of the windshield, we soon discovered that it had many other uses, as well. The first thing we realized was by putting it on the palm of our hand, it did an amazing job of cleaning the fingerprints off our smartphones, tablets and laptop computer screens! From there the rest is history. We started using it around the house to clean other glass surfaces, and voila! We found it not only worked on glass but also on stainless steel appliances. Plus, it was fun to use because it was so comfortable! We discovered that cleaning was no longer a chore but could be enjoyable!

We wanted to share our story with you and invite you to purchase inShield Wiper®, so you too can Enjoy Comfort While You Clean!®
While we are the inventors and founders of inShield Wiper, we have dedicated this business to God. Therefore, we want to make sure that we take a moment to thank Him for His love and to remind everyone that God is love and that He loves YOU!!
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read our story.
With warm appreciation,
Ramona & Tim
Core Values
We need God, we need people, we need each other
• Be quick to take personal responsibility and
admit when in error• Invite others to speak into our lives to bring
out the best in us -
• Realize all blessings come from God, and we
get the joy of sharing those blessings with
others• Believe that the best investment we can ever
make is into the life of another person -
• Prioritize harmonious relationships above self
or company interests• Promote a strife-free environment even in the
midst of disagreement -
• Remember that without God, we have no
purpose and without customers, we have no
• Seek opportunities to say, “thank you” through
both word and action -
Customer Inspired
• Listen and learn from our customers’ feedback
• Respond to customer or employee input in a
timely fashion -
• Recognize that apart from God we can do
nothing of true significance
• Remain teachable with an open mind to
feedback -
• Consciously put ourselves in the other person’s
• Refrain from judgement and assumption in
everyday interactions -
• Always do the honorable thing regardless of
the consequences
• Maintain congruency between our values and
our actions -
Environmentally Kind
• Protect the environment through wise
stewardship of the earth’s resources
• Remain mindful that we are borrowing the
earth from future generations -
Life/Work Balance
• Value people over profits
• Encourage rest and rejuvenation which results
in better creativity and production -
Eternal Perspective
• Choose to do today what will outlive us
• Value what God values…character,
relationships and love -
• Inquire of God in all we do
• Admit we are not able to accomplish any of
this on our own
Behind the Scenes Photos!